Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog #2 My Journey

My passion is to protect wild animals. I want to know more about wild animals and I want to help them because a lot of species of animals are in danger. Thus, I want to be a veterinarian to help and save them. After I graduate LaGuardia Community College, I will continue my passion at Stony Brook University major in biology to go to veterinary medical school.

When I took the English class with science cluster, I had done research paper based on animal abuse. Some scientists use animals to test new medicines, chemicals and products. I strongly disagree what they are done to animals because I believe we don’t have any power to take animals’ life and they also have right to live. It sets my compelling passion toward animals’ right.

I believe that my education will make the world better place. Recent research on wild animals in this world, many of them are in danger because of humans’ greedy. Because we want to develop more and use more natural resources, many animals lose their place to live. I want to be well educated person who knows how to rescue and help animals from danger.

The knowledge is power. The well-education person can strongly persuade others because people think he or she has more credits based on their education level. I think we have to set our knowledge based on strong and right belief with conscience. Also, we don’t have to be afraid to fail because sometimes well-education people never accept their mistake.

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